
Let op: Deze rapporteerfunctie is bedoeld om schendingen van de huisregels voor Vraag & Beantwoord te melden. De redactie beoordeelt jouw melding alleen daarop. Wil je dat jouw reactie ook op het forum leesbaar is? Log dan eerst in op de Kassa-site en plaats je bijdrage. Of start zelf even een topic met je eigen vraag erin verwoord.

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Je wilt de volgende vraag rapporteren aan de redactie:

josecobi - 08-10-2014 16:48:00
Geldzaken & Recht

Vast aan contract

This is my answer:

"i'm really sorry, but i'm unemployee and don't have money, moreover you didn't help me with my house seeking (i only heard from you when you sent me the invoices which i thought it was spam). as i told you i don't speak dutch and i didn't notice that i was signing this contract. also, during those 14 days i was arranging all the papers (talking to my lawyer because my employer didn't pay me the salary) and stuff to move abroad. even if i would have known i signed this contract i wouldn't have enough time to cancell it especially because i didn't have internet access.

i hope you understand my situation and cancel this contract, i cannot pay you.


jose lopez