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gompy2 - 12-12-2014 14:34:12
Computers & Telefonie

Filmpjes en video's overzetten op dvd

en voor al degene die het item dvd-blanks interesseert.
het is helaas een engelstalige site maar met de google-vertaler is het wel te volgen.

who really makes the disc?

realize that most media is produced by a relatively small number of factories, located in several different places. these factories are mostly present in taiwan, japan, singapore, malaysia, china and india. there are more, but those are the largest ones. the best media generally comes from japan, taiwan and singapore. the worst typically comes from china and malaysia.

understand that the blank disc brand means almost nothing. apple is a great brand, but they do not make their own discs, instead outsourcing to a company like mitsubishi chemicals. common companies like memorex, maxell and imation all outsource to media vendors.

voor het hele artikel,
klik-> http://www.digitalfaq.com/reviews/dvd-media.htm">blank dvd media quality review

een programmaatje om de fabrikant van je dvd's te identificeren:
klik-> http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/">dvd identifier.