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reinera - 02-04-2015 19:34:35
Computers & Telefonie

Echo livescribe smartpen

Nadat ik livescribe wees op hun mailtje d.d. 12-3-2015 inzake vervallen van de 3-jarige garantie voor het oled display per 6-4-2015, inhoudende:

it’s been nearly two years since you purchased your livescribe smartpen and we’re confident that you’ve continued to be pleased with your smartpen’s performance.
as you near the 3 year anniversary of your smartpen (aye-app-gn8-d9), it’s important to note that the manufacturer’s oled display warranty will expire on (2015-04-06). if you’ve noticed any issues with your smartpen, please notify livescribe customer support at cs@livescribe.com. also, please be sure to review our smartpen maintenance and cleaning tips here so you can ensure your purchase is protected for years to come.
– livescribe customer service

ontving ik zojuist de volgende reactie:

recently you received an email from us reminding you that your two-year warranty on oled replacement was ending or had ended. that email had a typo in it, indicating that your oled display warranty would expire after three years. this should have read two years for the display, as livescribe has announced in the past. that email was sent out accidentally. we're sorry for any confusion.

en ik blijk bij lange na niet het enige slachtoffer te zijn! schandalig!