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Cookies - 06-08-2015 01:52:57
Computers & Telefonie

Windows upsate naar 10

Valerius, over de foutcode 80240020 staat dit geschreven in windows community:

this is an expected message indicating that when installation begins it may require user interaction. this is the largest software upgrade event ever and we’re managing it so everyone has a great experience. we recommend waiting until your pc receives a notification to upgrade, and then following the instructions provided.

please note that there is no problem with your reservation or upgrade download. the upgrade download is not corrupt as some have stated, and you will be notified in the coming days or weeks when your device is ready to upgrade.

if you are very eager to upgrade, tech savvy users with the above message can modify the following registry key to install immediately.

warning: serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. before you modify it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur.

volledige info https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-windows_install/windows-update-installation-failure-80240020/d695e827-9774-4e10-8972-df8d51a7bb51?auth=1">klik