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nyd - 05-10-2015 16:12:11
Geldzaken & Recht

Incassobureau direct justitia nep?

Do you happen to actually have a bill at some collection agency? it might be possible that they sold your personal details to some scammers on the internet so that they could at least get some money back. the thing is that i also got this email and it would be interesting to find out what the two of us have in common so we could find out who sold our data to scammers.
any way, under any circumstances, do not open the attachment because it's a virus. i will try to reverse engineer the virus to see what servers it connects to and maybe set them a trap and then i'll see what i'll do then. it's not the scammers though, that bother me the most, but the fact that i'm pretty sure that a collection agency sold my data illegally.