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dirk2 - 09-08-2010 14:18:00
Geldzaken & Recht

Bank of scotland 30 euro actie

Bank of scotland and halifax parent hbos was “finished” as a stand-alone entity before it was rescued through a takeover by lloyds tsb last year, a director of the enlarged lloyds banking group told msps yesterday.

this stark comment from archie kane, lloyds banking group’s board representative for scotland and executive director with responsibility for the institution’s insurance division, underlines the massive scale of hbos’s problems in the days after the collapse of us investment bank lehman brothers in september last year. and it provides yet further evidence that campaigns to keep hbos independent never had any chance of success.

http://www.heraldscotland.com/business/corporate-sme/hbos-finished-as-separate-entity-before-lloyds-takeover-1.988275"> link