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verwijderd - 09-08-2012 22:46:27
Computers & Telefonie

Android virus

Ik heb antwoord van lookout!

kingston, aug 09 11:00 am (pdt):
hi lieverdje7,

i'm sorry for the confusion. our latest set of malware detection signatures went out to our users last night (august 8, 2012). unfortunately it misidentifies the app "google enhanced search" as the trojan 'ggsearch'. if you've received this warning please ignore it - we will be shipping a new set of detection signatures in the next 24 hours, at the latest.

thanks for using lookout!

the lookout team

have another question about lookout? it might already be answered here, https://support.mylookout.com/home.

if your issue is resolved, we'd love to hear what you think of our customer service.
if you have more questions please just reply to this email rather than add them to the survey response.

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