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jorisw - 05-09-2012 09:14:51
Computers & Telefonie

Hoe krijg je een micro-sim kaart bij hollandsnieuwe?

[quote=riekelt schreef op woensdag 5 sep 2012, 08:11]welke extra functionaliteit heeft een micro-sim ten opzichte van een vertrouwde mini-sim kaart (dat is de kaartjes die u nu heeft).

from wikipedia:

along with supporting the previous features of sim cards for backwards compatibility, the micro-sim specifications introduce new features that are not present in previous revisions of the sim card. the new specifications:
allow for multiple simultaneous applications accessing the card through logical channels;
introduce mutual authentication as a way to eliminate carrier spoofing by allowing the sim card to authenticate the cell tower to which it is connecting;
add a new pin protection with hierarchical pin management with a universal pin, an application pin and a local pin; and
expand the phonebook storage of the sim card with entries for email, second name, and groups.[4]