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bobxlnl - 02-11-2015 15:09:12
Computers & Telefonie

Instellingen windows 10 anders dan windows 8.1 ?

De oplossing uit:http://windows10_dpi_blurry_fix.xpexplorer.com/

the dpi fix:
windows 10 is using another scaling method for dpi as in windows vista, 7, 8 and 8.1.
at some point we can understand windows why they changed the dpi scaling in windows 10. it is probably ment to support mobile devices more easy.
but if you like to use your desktop as a desktop, and you demand high quality only. then you can use this fix until microsoft has addressed this issue.
this fix simple tells windows 10 to use the original dpi scaling as it was in windows vista, 7, 8 and 8.1.

why this is a small software program, and not some 'registry tweak' is because when you manually adjust the dpi settings at your 'windows registry'. windows will reset your dpi settings every 2 reboots. which means you would have to adjust the registry again (microsoft forces you almost to use its new dpi scaling method).
you could use a batch file for it that starts when you start windows(r) to change the registry dpi settings, but then a ugly cmd box would show if you turn on your computer.
this method we created simple works, does what you want. and will not show a ugly cmd box because its using pure api.