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Fiek01 - 03-05-2016 13:09:10
Vakantie & Reizen

Booking.com prijs wijziging na reservering

Het verschil is ook heel groot, maar ja ze hebben ook de beste prijs garantie toch?
zie hieronder de reactie van booking.com


thank you for choosing booking.com.

we tried to contact you by telephone to discuss an error in the rates for your booking with mandarin oriental, marrakech, but were unable to reach you.

we apologise on behalf of booking.com and mandarin oriental, marrakech for this error. the actual rate for mandarin oriental, marrakech is 2650 €, and not 68.20 € as mentioned on your reservation.

we ask for your understanding in reaching a middle ground. the accommodation has confirmed that they would like to offer you 15% on the rate of 2650 € and 20% off on the spa services.

please consider this offer, and contact us at your earliest convenience to confirm if you can accept it.

since the rate mistake was obvious, please note that the you are still able to cancel your reservation free of charge.

without any reply fro you within the next 48 hours, your reservation will be cancelled free of charge and you will receive a confirmation email.

we thank you for your understanding and we are available 24 hours a day to help reach an agreeable solution.

thank you again for choosing booking.com.

kind regards,

salah torki
booking.com customer service team