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reflecs - 31-08-2016 14:44:52
Computers & Telefonie

Opnemen met audacity

Met de mac kan het kennelijk niet direct in audacity:

no built-in streaming audio recording

macs have no ability to record streaming as it plays on the built-in sound device as can be done on windows and linux (if the sound device has that capability). it is possible to record streaming audio from the built-in microphone, but this a very lossy method that also picks up all ambient noise. alternatives:

join the line-out to line-in, then recording from the built-in input set to line-in
capture the stream digitally with applications other than audacity, before it reaches the soundcard (using http://www.cycling74.com/products/soundflower/" target="_blank">soundflower to do this gives audacity a direct way to record the captured stream)
download the stream, if its web address is known

for more details, see the mac section of http://manual.audacityteam.org/o/man/tutorial_recording_audio_playing_on_the_computer.html" target="_blank">recording audio playing on the computer.
uit:http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/mac_os_x" target="_blank"> http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/mac_os_x" target="_blank">http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/mac_os_x