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pklijzing - 21-11-2012 14:39:42
Computers & Telefonie



below is a detailed explanation of whatsapp subscriptions. please note that whatsapp will never automatically charge you for your subscription.

for iphone there is only a one-time charge, when you first download the app. thankfully, apple lets you re-download whatsapp for free, as many times as you need. please remember to use the same appleid each time.

for all other phone types (android, blackberry, windows phone, and nokia), whatsapp is free to download and try for the first year. after which, you have the option of subscribing to an additional year of service for $0.99 usd.

subscriptions are cumulative, so if you pay for an additional year of service, it will add to your current subscription or free year-long trial. there is no difference between the free and paid versions of whatsapp other than the length of service.