
Let op: Deze rapporteerfunctie is bedoeld om schendingen van de huisregels voor Vraag & Beantwoord te melden. De redactie beoordeelt jouw melding alleen daarop. Wil je dat jouw reactie ook op het forum leesbaar is? Log dan eerst in op de Kassa-site en plaats je bijdrage. Of start zelf even een topic met je eigen vraag erin verwoord.

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gamerking1611 - 24-04-2016 17:21:46
Winkels & Webshops

Valve blokkeert account

the restrictions have been removed from your brother's accounts. however, we have found activity related to fraudulent credit card use on your other steam account kxy4wj.

per the steam subscriber agreement, we have locked all of your accounts permanently. the accounts will not be reactivated.

the steam subscriber agreement can be found at:
http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/" target="_blank">http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/

in addition to violation of contract, said activities on the account may violate state and federal law. valve reserves the right to refer the matter to the appropriate authorities.