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iulianolaru - 13-04-2013 04:29:26
Garantie & Verzekeringen

How can you get an health insurance as a romanian ?

Good day,
my name is iulian olaru and i'm a romanian. i have been coming to the netherlands since late 2009 visiting my best friend and last year in october i have decided to move definetely here. i have engaged all necesary paper work for my legal stay but i seem to be stuck regarding the health insurance. the dutch law states that at the moment of registration to the city hall, you are automaticaly considered and obligated to have a basic health insurance which is impossible for me. why ? because i was declined by 6 health insurance companies for 6 different reasons. i have tried to get information from all possible official sources but nobody seems to know what the procedures actually are. last chance is to try the media and if no, going even further as again the dutch law states that if in 4 months time you fail to get a basic health insurance, you will receive a number of fines ( 3 if i'm correct ) after which you will be forced to a health insurance package provided by the guvernment. any information will be more than appreciated after which i am willing to go publicly to proove the flawed guvernment. thank you in advance

p.s: i am not a student. i am not working. i have the financial means to support myself and i will study, i will work, i will pay taxes and most importantly i will not depend on the social help. ( this to clarify again the flawed west european mentality )