door Pine Jul 19, 2017 om 00:12
Garantie & verzekeringen

PostNL lost parcel compensation


Sorry for my English, but my Dutch language is very basic. Please allow me to write in English.

We are writing about a insured + registered letter parcel sent to US via PostNL which was lost in the mail.
PostNL admitted the loss, but only refund 40% of margin profit of value + shipping.

The content of parcel was sold to US, and priced by us. PostNL says that their insurance do not cover our profit
therefore 40% of the standered sales profit will be taken from the compensation.
(It means we would have the 60% of the sale value as the compensation.)

This we do not understand their saying at all, first of all we have paid for the insurance and registered letter parcel. Secondary the sale value is not only the item itself, but we have been working / making on it, these cost is in the value of the item, and additionally we have to refund full amount to the buyer as well.
So if we have only 60% of the sale value is refunded, we will have loss in our business, both as money and working time.

One of us is native Dutch (a bit busy to write now in Dutch), so we have read the 'Algemene voorwaarden' that we agreed when the postage was made, but there is no mentioning this 40% margin profit compensation rule in the lawful document from PostNL. Now, we are very much doubting what the contact person at PostNL is saying.

Could you have same experience ? or any suggestion that may help us ?!
We would really appriciate. Dank u wel !



2096 4 Rapporteer

Deze vraag is gesloten en kan niet meer worden beantwoord. Let op! Gesloten topics hebben een archieffunctie. De vragen sluiten mogelijk niet meer aan bij de huidige situatie en kunnen gedateerde informatie bevatten.

door Gerry1969 - Jul 19, 2017 om 00:20
3449 Antwoorden / 25 Vragen

Dear Pine,
We are only here to help consumers and you're running a business.
Try it on higherlevel.nl
Good luck

door Pine Jul 19, 2017 om 01:20
Antwoorden / 1 Vragen

Ah! Thank you very much, we will try the higherlevel.nl

door tijger1 - Jul 19, 2017 om 00:28
42060 Antwoorden / 21 Vragen

Adress your question to


door Pine Jul 19, 2017 om 01:20
Antwoorden / 1 Vragen

Ah! Thank you very much, we will try the higherlevel.nl

door tenormin - Jul 19, 2017 om 00:55
16860 Antwoorden / 108 Vragen

Uw Engels is uitstekend, uiteraard. En uw vraag, als een niet consument kunt u uiteraard op Higherlevel beter stellen.  Maar, gebruik dan de (slechte) Google vertaling ervoor die  @tijger1 u adviseert. And you need no apologise for writing in English; we all understand that.

door Pine Jul 19, 2017 om 01:20
Antwoorden / 1 Vragen

Dank u wel !

door tenormin Jul 19, 2017 om 01:27
16860 Antwoorden / 108 Vragen

Your'e welcome.

door kvjapio - Jul 19, 2017 om 10:09
281 Antwoorden / Vragen

I understand that the argument goes about your way of pricing the package. You should have done it including your profit. If you did not that can be a problem. Also it depends on the amount of insurance you have, I assume. The minimum is € 500,-. If the value of your package exceeds this they have a point. Otherwise PostNL - as an international carrier - should be fully responsible for the costs of your loss and have no say in your way of pricing. Nor for your working time or added value.

What maybe will help is that you provide PostNL with proof of your selling price to your customer. Beacuse that is what you insured. I had the same with an atlas of € 300,- that was damaged during transport. I proved this price to PostNL with an e-mail to my customer and they paid me the full amount within two weeks.

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